Program Presidents

Program President Role

The role of a Program President is to promote the programs and activities within their field of study. Program Presidents are the voice of the student body and they relay any ideas, comments or concerns to the Student Association Board of Directors. This position reports to the Director of Engagement.

How to Apply?

In order to apply for a Program President position, you must:

  1. Let your Program Co-coordinator know that you’re interested in the role

  2. Read the Program President Information Kit

  3. Complete a Program President application

  4. Contact the

A program may have a maximum of TWO presidents. If more than two students apply, a vote will be held to determine the successful candidate.

  • Benefits

    The Program President position comes with benefits, such as:

    Free photocopying, printing and faxing services

    Leadership opportunities

    Portfolio building and professional experience

  • Responsibilities

    Along with being a voice for the student body, the Presidents must:

    Organize at least one event per semester

    Raise money for their program

    Promote FSA services and events

  • Example Events

    Some events that students have enjoyed in previous years include:

    Visits from guest speakers

    Graduation dinners and ceremonies

    Documentary screenings

    Pool and ping-pong tournaments

    Bowling night

    Axe throwing

Paige Blaik.jpeg

As a proud alumni of the Fish and Wildlife (FIWI) Technology program at Fleming College, I am grateful for the chance to have led in program presidential duties for other passionate students during my third year (2019-2020). I embraced the opportunities to improve my interpersonal skills,  now been applied to my job; working in leadership roles, communicating, multitasking, brainstorming, planning, problem solving, and organization. I enjoyed meeting students, making friends, and the opportunity to grow relationships with the incredibly knowledgeable faculty. 


As class president, I spent time in a leadership position while working with peers to plan events throughout the year. The main program event “Wading in the Aux Lodge” allowed me to use my creativity, setting up fun course related mini games and creating prize baskets to raise funds for program jackets. (I even managed to talk FIWI faculty into volunteering for a pie throwing contest!) We were successful in procuring prize donations from over 30 local businesses!


This inspired me to run a social media account representing as the president of the FIWI program. I was able to apply my online professionalism while posting up to date content and responding to the public regarding program information.


I value all knowledge gained from FIWI courses and I believe that anyone with the passion for working with wildlife, conducting habitat monitoring, working towards ecological protection and countless other opportunities, would benefit as well.


Even though most FIWI students dream to work in the wilderness every day, it is important to apply interpersonal skills throughout all jobs within the field. For anyone looking to gain experience that would be valued in leadership positions in their career, I would highly suggest running for the role of Fish and Wildlife president. 

Paige Blaik
Past Fish & Wildlife President